Paras Sweet Temptations

Bite into your fantasy. Give in to your temptations.

Why Choose Us?

We strive to give our best towards our customers’ needs and satisfaction. We provide a one-stop solution to those who wish to send their greetings, love & surprises through cakes and pastries, but are too busy to visit a Cakes and Pastries Shop. As we only bake to order, our cakes and pastries are always freshly baked and decorated just in time for delivery. We want you to enjoy the experience of online shopping for cakes and pastries, simply at your fingertips, and we will make delivery in accordance with your requirements. You can either choose from a wide variety of our own recipe-made handcrafted and popular cakes and pastries, or we can customize cakes ad pastries of your choice to complement your events & celebrations.

For your convenience, we will also be able to pair up the cakes and pastries of your choice with birthday gifts, greeting cards, flowers, balloons and soft toys of your choice. 

Paras Sweet Temptations is ever eager to create and select unique and outstanding products that are aimed to appeal, visually and culinarily. One of our goals is to satisfy even the most unexpected requests, and that’s why we truly believe that no order is too big for us.

Two thumbs up! I will definitely recommend this to my fellow cakes and pastries lovers!

Jeremiah Gonzaga
Program Coordinator, CBEA, Cagayan State University-Andrews Campus

About Us

Anthony Paras,

Store Owner

Sweet Temptations offers uncomplicated baked goodies that are reminiscent of simple joys from home. Indulge into your sweet cravings and slay stress away.


You may visit our store and see the products personally.


31 Luna Street, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Store Hours

Monday — Friday

10:00 AM — 9:30 PM


Noon — 7:00 PM

